Cest la station thermale devenue chef lieu de commune la localite ayant pour designation hammam debagh. This place is situated in guelma algeria its geographical coordinates are 360 27 36 north 70 16 15 east and its original name with diacritics is hammam meskoutine. La rn 20 nous en rapproche.
hammam meskhoutine guelma
Hammam maskhoutine arabisch hmam almskhotyn dmg ammam al masuin auch hammam meskhoutine ist ein algerischer kurort in der provinz guelma.
Hammam meskhoutine guelma. Hammam meskoutine hotels map is available on the target page linked above. Decouverte de hammam meskhoutine qui se situe a 15 km de la ville de guelma au nord est de lalgerie. Hammam meskoutine in the region of guelma is located in algeria some 235 mi or 378 km east of algiers the countrys capital city. See hammam meskoutine photos and images from satellite below explore the aerial photographs of hammam meskoutine in algeria.
Most impressive group of springs has formed enormous travertine mound. Hammam maskhoutine im tourismusbuero guelma franzoesisch. Ness dzair 14148 views. Unsubscribe from faiza dream.
Ks bkr bny. Celle ci est egalement le siege de la daira qui groupe les 3 communes h. Debagh bouhamdane et roknia. Guelmahamam meskhoutine faiza dream.
The flat surface of hammam meskhoutine dan sloan flickr cc by sa 20 here over some 6 km long distance along the right bank of chedakha river are scattered numerous thermal springs. Hammam maskhoutine wird umgeben von medjez amar im osten und von hammam debagh im westen. Nous en parlons ici comme lieu de promenade laspect des bains et des soins ayant une rubrique propre intitulee thermalisme. Low rates no booking fees no cancellation fees.
Hammam dbegh is the official name of the town itself and hammam chellala is the name of the thermal complex and cascade. Visite guelma duration. Hammam maskhoutine is the historical name for this general area also used to refer to the hot springs and the legend that named the town. Hmam dbagh hammam debagh guelma duration.